We endeavour to leave a lasting legacy not only by etching in monuments, but by making a positive social impact woven into the lives of others.

MIND property group have both the internal team of dedicated people and also hand picked external consultants  that share the same values to help deliver projects that are innovative and give back to the community. 








MIND seek experienced investment and development partnerships & opportunities for unique development projects in NSW with like-minded investors that share the same vision and approach to developing. 

Our hard work ethic backed by our track record built on trust and actions is gained and earned through responsibility and solid partnerships. We have had steady success because of our commitment to seeing each project through and understanding that each market and trend presents unique challenges and successes. We’ve remained true to everything we do.

• We are visionaries and approach each project with foresight
• We surround ourselves with experience
• We have experience in investing in property and developing both 

in Australia and abroad
• Ability to be multi-disciplined and to work through complex problems
• We have a connection with each team we work with
• We always ensure a win/win solution in each deal for all parties involved

Mind’s development process
allow us to be flexible in how we approach each deal. Mind search for sites that have a certain permissable use and yield. We then discuss and negotiate on a lucrative deal with owners.


MIND has the experience to negotiate on each lucrative deal and understand the profitable outcome as well as the risks associated. We work with either Options or Joint Venture deals to allow us to buy time in order to obtain Development Approvals plus mitigate any setbacks, delays early on in deals.


Site Acquisition

Mind Property Group actively search for sites which fit the criteria to create cutting edge developments. We do this by way of firstly looking at your site location, discovering it’s permissible use and yield then discuss and negotiate on a lucrative deal. To find out more, we are always happy to have a discussion and see where it goes. You may be sitting on a parcel of land to develop that ticks our criteria and produce a win/win for all parties.

Joint Ventures

Mind Property Group are always open for Join Venture Agreements where we will enter into an agreement as the property developers while we manage the property development project and look at various funding options. It is always worth an open discussion to see if this is suited to your next project.

Site Sourcing

Mind Property Group offer site sourcing services which involves looking for the right site with the brief required by a client in need of a specific location and end outcome. We can find the right site for development, run a feasibility analysis, negotiate on the deal to secure and acquire the site, do the due diligence on the subject property as well as consult for DA approval. This is ideal for companies looking for a new location and premise to develop as well as builders that lack time. Mind Property Group can find companies and individuals the right site for their next building project.